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  • Writer's pictureHannah Reyes

A Fresh Beginning

I am Hannah and am a particularly active teenager. I do many activities and sports. For hobbies I paint, journal, and bake. I enjoy reading for pleasure and being outside. I am interested in environmental management and architecture. Being productive and organized is crucial for me because I am one to be easily overwhelmed by the multiple things I do daily. I very much enjoy helping people, it brings me joy. Focusing on things that improve my future and myself satisfies me. My faith and family are a priority, that influences many decisions in my life.


I have struggled with eczema since I was born, and it started to flare when I was about 11 years old and that’s when I was told by my pediatrician it is chronic. Since then, I have tried it all to lower my flare-ups, itching, and discoloration nothing worked long-term. Then in the summer of 2020, I was getting odd stomach pains anytime I would eat something usually a carb. Later, I narrowed it down to wheat. That is when I noticed I could have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease (which is in my genes). Since that day I have been gluten-free for a year and a half. In the beginning, it was difficult; however, over time it got easier, and I rarely get cravings anymore either. At times when I was in a restaurant or grocery shopping, and I wanted a sweet treat or snack it was frustrating not finding anything I could eat because of my allergy. On the other hand, in the beginning, I did not limit myself if I was hungry, I would eat anything, it was okay for me to eat out of MY restrictions, it was not about perfection but consistency. It is worth it for me because after being gluten-free for about a month my eczema calmed down a lot and I rarely get flare-ups; the color came back to my arms and my skin got soft. I had not noticed though until my family mentioned it, I had become so happy. My family, unlike me, is not gluten-free. That was always difficult for me, but they were incredibly supportive, getting me everything thing I needed. I am also moderately dairy-free, I enjoy dairy every so often.

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